DHS Using American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding for home and community-based services (HCBS)

Industry, Legislative,
The Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) is excited to announce that in September 2022, agencies that serve the aging or physically disabled populations will be opportune to participate in a pilot data driven survey to help improve the quality and stability of the direct care workforce.
This pilot will be run like the IDD Staff Stability Survey run by National Core Indicators (NCI). You can view the 2020 IDD report here.
Benefits of participating
If your agency completes the survey, your data will be included in an NCI-ADvancing States report, your data will help speak to the issues like wages, turnover, benefits and demographics.
Agencies eligible to participate
Agencies must:
  • Employ direct support professionals providing direct support to aging adults or adults with physical disabilities.
  • Have a Medicaid Provider ID or Electronic Visit Verification Medicaid Provider ID or are part of a Managed Care Organization provider network.
  • Have a contact person with an email who can fill out the survey.
Eligible agencies that complete the survey will receive an incentive payment of up to $1,000. Amounts are based on the number of direct care workers your agency employs.
Next Steps:
  • If you want to be part of the Staff stability Survey and be eligible for the incentive, please send an email to Victoria Obatusin, victoria.obatusin@dhs.wisconsin.gov, NO LATER THAN COB JULY 20th, 2022 and include:
    • Facility Name
    • Facility Address, Street, City, Zip
    • Medicaid Provider ID or Electronic Visit Verification Medicaid Provider ID or no Medicaid # or EVV Medicaid # but part of a Managed Care Organization provider network.
    • Contact Name
    • Contact Email
  • Sign up for general email updates on Wisconsin’s plans to leverage American Rescue Plan Act Home and Community-Based Services funding.
  • Email if you have questions or would like to learn more about the Staff Stability Survey.
  • Watch for an upcoming webinar in July/August
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