83.15 CBRF Administrator Course - October 2021
Ingleside Hotel
2810 Golf RoadPewaukee, WI 53072-5449
United States
* Registration open until 9/28/21 at 12:00 AM (CST)
Event Details
WALA offers the Department of Health Services, code 83.15, approved 60-hour administrator course in Wisconsin (BAL approval #001). This top-notch educational opportunity is taught by professional, informative, and dynamic trainers. Whether you are required to take this course by the state or for professional development, this course will provide you with tools and information to successfully handle day-to-day challenges CBRF administrators face.
October 2021: Pewaukee (near Milwaukee)
*May convert to virtual pending current state guidelines*
Week 1: October 5, 6, 7
Week 2: October 12, 13, 14
Week 3: October 19, 20, 21
Register above or complete Registration Form and submit
2021 WALA COVID-19 Health & Safety Protocols:
The Wisconsin Assisted Living Association (WALA) is excited to be back in-person for the upcoming WALA 83.15 CBRF Administrator Course. Any public gathering space carries a possible risk of exposure to COVID-19 and related variants. While WALA cannot guarantee that you will not have exposure to COVID-19 at any time during this event, we are committed to providing an environment that promotes health and safety for all of our attendees. We are working closely with the Ingleside Hotel and following their Safe Promise Program Plan in addition to recommended guidelines from the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Attendees are strongly encouraged to follow appropriate local, state, and federal health/safety guidelines. While in attendance, if you experience symptoms related to COVID-19 or have exposure to a postive case of COVID-19, we ask that you notify WALA immeidately to discuss course makeup options.
While guidance may change, here are the current steps we are taking:
- Masks will be required for event participants who are unvaccinated and strongly encouraged for those who are fully vaccinated. Masks will be provided upon request.
- Hotel staff who are in close proximity to WALA event participants will be asked to wear a mask.
- The Ingleside Hotel will provide routine cleaning and sanitizing of all areas throughout the hotel and meeting spaces, consistent with CDC guidelines.
- Attendees should practice good hand hygiene and maintain social distancing.
- Meeting rooms will be configured to provide social distancing to the extent possible.
Discounted room rates available under WALA Room Block at Ingleside Hotel where course will be held. Available until September 24th at $129/night. Reference WALA when booking.
For More Information: