2021 Fall Conference Registration
The Ingleside Hotel
2810 Golf RdPewaukee, WI 53072
* Registration open until 9/8/21 at 12:00 AM (CST)
Event Details
Thank you to all of our attendees, exhibitors, presenters, and sponsors. Your participation made the 2021 WALA Fall Conference a true success.
It was terrrifc to gather with Wisconsin's assisted living professionals Together, Finally!
Event Schedule:
September 14th, 11:30am-7:00pm
- Opening Remarks from WALA and Panel Discussion with DHS Leadership
- Breakout Sessions
- Exhibitor Experience and Network Gathering
September 15th, 8:00am-2:00pm
- Networking Connection Opportunities Throughout
- Access to Industry Experts and Exhibitors in-person, finally!
- More Educational Breakout Sessions
Event Details:
- Registration will open at 10:30am on Tuesday
- Lunch and a general session at 11:30am
- Breakout sessions, plus an evening reception and open exhibitor hours
- Wednesday will continue with an 8:00am breakfast gathering, followed by additional breakout sessions
- Additional opportunity to meet with our exhibitors for the first time in a long time!
2021 WALA Fall Conference COVID-19 Health & Safety Protocols:
The Wisconsin Assisted Living Association (WALA) is excited to be back in-person for the upcoming WALA 2021 Fall Conference. Any public gathering space carries a possible risk of exposure to COVID-19 and related variants. While WALA cannot guarantee that you will not have exposure to COVID-19 at any time during this event, we are committed to providing an environment that promotes health and safety for all of our attendees. We are working closely with the Ingleside Hotel and following their Safe Promise Program Plan in addition to recommended guidelines from the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Attendees are strongly encouraged to follow appropriate local, state, and federal health/safety guidelines. While in attendance, if you experience symptoms related to COVID-19, we ask that you leave the conference to avoid the risk of potentially exposing others. If you have been diagnosed with COVID-19 or had close contact with someone diagnosed with COVID-19 within 14 days prior to the start of the conference, you should not attend.
While guidance may change, here are the current steps we are taking:
- Masks will be required for event participants who are unvaccinated and strongly encouraged for those who are fully vaccinated. Masks will be provided upon request.
- Hotel staff who are in close proximity to WALA event participants will be asked to wear a mask.
- The Ingleside Hotel will provide routine cleaning and sanitizing of all areas throughout the hotel and meeting spaces, consistent with CDC guidelines.
- Sanitation stations will be present throughout the venue.
- Attendees should practice good hand hygiene and maintain social distancing.
- Signage will be placed throughout the hotel to offer reminders of CDC’s guidelines.
- Pre-packaged food such as boxed lunches will be provided to the attendees to promote contact-less food service.
- Meeting rooms will be configured to provide social distancing to the extent possible.
For More Information:

Madison, Wisconsin 53718
United States 608.288.0246
WALA recognizes that our industry has gone through and is still experiencing. It has been a tough year for everyone and there is no exception to the assisted living industry. Many things have looked differently since March of 2020; however, the passion and dedication that you all bring to the industry has remained consistent.
Non-Early Bird Rates (register after August 13, 2021):
WALA Member - $315
Non-WALA Member - $355
Walk-in registrations welcome with this completed registration form
Thank you to our Registration Sponsor
WALA Diamond Participants - Don't forget to take your 10% off
Maximum 7.3 CE hours available. 5.25 NAB credits applicable.
Program Approval Code: 20220913-15.75-A76638-IN
Thank you to our Event Sponsor!