Kate Brunner

Trisha Witthuhn
Senior Living Advisor

Whitney Otto
Senior Living Advisor / Marketing Director

Area of Specialty
About Us
You or your loved one's living arrangements and personal care are important and highly personal issues. When making these decisions, it can be important to have options and guidance from someone who understands your needs. At Oasis Senior Advisors Fox Valley, WI, we understand the importance of receiving the right information to make the best possible decisions, and we're committed to helping seniors and their families make these tough choices. Our senior living consultants are here to guide you and offer the resources your family needs. We take the time to get to know your unique situation so that we can offer tailored advice and recommendations that will suit you. Our valuable insight and experience are yours-completely free of charge and without any obligations. We simply want to help you and your loved ones find the perfect living solutions and senior living resources, no matter what your requirements are.